This Certificate of Default serves as a public notice and lawful record of non-response, failure to rebut, and breach of private agreement under the terms set forth in lawful notices, including but not limited to the Novation Notice and other administrative notices lawfully served.

By operation of private contract law, common law, ecclesiastical law, and applicable international treaties, this document establishes constructive notice, estoppel by acquiescence, and agreement by silence.

As no verified, point-for-point, notarized rebuttal was received within the required timeframe, all terms, obligations, and liabilities are now binding and enforceable against the defaulting parties.

Any continued enforcement attempts against the Original Obligor shall constitute willful fraud, breach of contract, and commercial dishonor.

🔹 Financial liabilities for defaulting parties are governed by the Fee Schedule and shall be enforced accordingly.


This Certificate of Default serves as an official record of non-response and failure to rebut the terms, obligations, and declarations set forth in the Novation Notice and subsequent Notices of Default, as published on JeremyCreager.com.

This document establishes constructive notice, estoppel by acquiescence, and agreement by silence under private contract law, common law, ecclesiastical law, and applicable international treaties.


Affiant: Jeremy Dylan Creager, a living man, in my private capacity, and as the Authorized Representative of the private foreign unincorporated trust, hereby certifies the following:

Novation Notice Issuance:

The Novation Notice was formally published on [Insert Date], and made publicly available for review.

The notice explicitly provided a 30-day period for lawful rebuttal and response.

First Notice of Default:

Issued on [Insert Date], following failure to rebut or contest the terms of the Novation Notice.

Recipients were given an additional 10 days to cure their default.

Final Notice of Default:

Issued on [Insert Date], reaffirming the default and extending one final opportunity for rebuttal within 10 days.

Expiration of Response Period:

As of 03/31/2025, no lawful, verified, point-for-point rebuttal has been received from the defaulting parties.

All entities and persons noticed are now in full default and have tacitly agreed to the terms outlined in the original notice.


By operation of law and principles of estoppel, the following is now in effect:

The defaulting parties have agreed to all terms, conditions, and declarations stated in the Novation Notice.

All rights, claims, obligations, and liabilities have been lawfully transferred and assigned as per the terms of the Novation.

Any continued enforcement attempts against the Original Obligor shall constitute fraud, breach of contract, and commercial dishonor.

The absence of a lawful, point-for-point notarized rebuttal via registered mail is hereby certified as proof of non-response.

Such violations are subject to the penalties outlined in the Fee Schedule, which governs financial liabilities for breaches of private agreements.

Any challenge to this Certificate of Default must be submitted in writing, under oath, and with lawful supporting documentation.


By operation of estoppel and agreement by non-response, defaulting parties are now subject to lawful enforcement actions, including but not limited to:

Commercial Liens & Claims

– A lawful commercial lien may be filed against the defaulting party, establishing a secured claim against their assets.

Administrative Default & Dishonor

– Public notice of dishonor shall be issued, recording the defaulting party’s willful failure to engage in good faith.

Private Arbitration & Enforcement Actions

– This matter may be escalated to private arbitration, lawful third-party enforcement, or other legal avenues for remedy.

Financial Penalties & Liquidated Damages

– Per the terms of the Fee Schedule, financial liabilities for breach of private agreement shall be enforced.

Notice to Third Parties & Public Record

– The default shall remain a publicly recorded fact, which may be lawfully disclosed to third parties, creditors, or other relevant entities.

Failure to cure this default shall permanently bar any objections, defenses, or claims contrary to the terms of the Novation Notice or other relevant lawful notices served.


All correspondence regarding this matter must be sent via registered mail to:

C/O Divine Core Legacy Trust

3210 N Pleasantburg Dr PMB 1066

Greenville, South Carolina [29609] u.S.A.

Non-Assumpsit / Non-Domestic

No electronic or third-party communications shall be deemed valid unless explicitly agreed to in writing.

Failure to comply with lawful communication protocols may invoke additional penalties under the Fee Schedule (https://jeremycreager.com/fee-schedule).


This Certificate of Default shall be continuously updated and maintained as a living record of defaults.

Financial liabilities for defaulting parties may be enforced per the terms detailed in the Fee Schedule.

Each defaulted party shall be recorded below, along with proof of notices served.


Executed under penalty of perjury under the laws of God, nature, and man.

By: /s/jeremy dylan creager

all rights reserved

Authorized Representative of the private foreign unincorporated trust

Executed on: [Date]

This document is self-authenticating under 28 U.S.C. § 1746 and serves as constructive notice to all relevant parties.

Any defaulting party failing to remedy their dishonor within the prescribed timeframe shall be liable for penalties as listed in the Fee Schedule.


For the purpose of lawful due process, the following serves as proof that the recipient was properly noticed of their obligation to respond.

All responses were required to be submitted via registered mail with a notarized affidavit within the lawful timeframe.

No electronic responses were accepted or considered valid.

Failure to rebut within the required period constitutes agreement by silence and estoppel by acquiescence, making all terms binding.


Below will be listed the proof of due process, including:

✅ Email records showing the delivery of notice (blurred where necessary for privacy).

✅ Screenshots of certified mail receipts (if applicable) confirming physical notices sent.

✅ Returned mail (if applicable) proving non-response.

✅ Affidavits confirming non-response and default.

[Inserted proof of email notices, returned mail, and other evidence will go under here]

📌 Example of Proof of Certificate of Default – [Name of Defaulted Party]

📅 Date: [Insert Date]

📍Party: [Government Agency / Private Business / Bank]

📜 Summary: [Brief description of what they defaulted on]

📄 View Full Certificate: [Click to Open PDF]






© Copyright 2025. Jeremy Creager - Navigating Paths To Inner Mastery. All Rights Reserved. Executed in the Private Domain