(Public & Private Legal Notice – Binding & Self-Executing)


Published by: i am that i am: Ex parte : “ jeremy dylan creager© ”, nom deguerre: “ Jeremy Dylan Creager© ”, Entitlement holder, Master, Executor, Heir, and Beneficiary of the vessel(s):

Trustee UA: “ Divine Core Legacy Trust ”,







D.b.a.: J CREAGER© ;

D.b.a.: J D CREAGER© ;


…and a few others.



Jeremy Dylan Creager, agent

On behalf of JEREMY DYLAN CREAGER, principal

3210 N Pleasantburg Dr PMB 1066

Greenville, South Carolina [29609] u.S.A.

"A valid passport card confirming my correct nationality status has been issued under my lawful name."

Date of Issuance: February 8th 2025


This Novation Notice is a living document, updated periodically to ensure clarity, accuracy, and lawful standing.

The latest version supersedes prior updates only where explicitly stated.

All previous versions remain valid for notices given during their active period.

Updates do not reset the 30-day estoppel period unless they materially alter terms, jurisdiction, or obligations. By continued non-rebuttal, all prior agreements remain binding and enforceable.


The following agencies, departments, and public officials are hereby placed on constructive notice of this Novation by lawful publication and operation of contract law.

This public notice serves as official due process, binding legal declaration, and irrevocable record, made in good faith, under natural law, common law, and universal law.

This notice is not limited to the listed entities, but applies universally to any and all agencies, public servants, corporations, officers, or individuals who may claim an interest, hold an account, or otherwise attempt to engage the Original Obligor.


This affidavit is hereby published online as a matter of public record and constructive notice to all relevant parties.

For applicable fees, penalties, and enforcement terms related to this Novation, refer to the Fee Schedule. Any unauthorized action, failure to comply, or violation of the terms within this Notice shall result in immediate penalties as outlined therein.

By its publication, all entities, agencies, and persons are deemed to have been lawfully noticed under principles of due process, constructive notice, and equity.


1. U.S. House of Representatives, acting through its present officeholders

2. The White House Office of the President, acting through its present officeholders

3. Administrative Office of the United States Courts, acting through its present officeholders

4. U.S. Department of Agriculture, DBA.: Office of the Secretary, acting through its present officeholders

5. U.S. Department of Commerce, DBA.: Office of the Secretary, acting through its present officeholders

6. U.S. Department of Defense, DBA.: Office of the Secretary, acting through its present officeholders

7. U.S. Department of Education, DBA.: Office of the Secretary, acting through its present officeholders

8. U.S. Department of Energy, DBA.: Office of the Secretary, acting through its present officeholders

9. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, DBA.: Office of the Secretary, acting through its present officeholders

10. The Honorable Alejandro Mayorkas, DBA.: Secretary of Homeland Security

11. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, DBA.: Office of the Secretary, acting through its present officeholders

12. Department of the Interior, DBA.: Office of the Secretary, acting through its present officeholders

13. U.S. Department of Justice, DBA.: Office of the Secretary, acting through its present officeholders

14. U.S. Department of Labor, DBA.: Office of the Secretary, acting through its present officeholders

15. U.S. Department of State, DBA.: Office of the Secretary, acting through its present officeholders

16. U.S. Department of Transportation, DBA.: Office of the Secretary, acting through its present officeholders

17. U.S. Department of the Treasury, DBA.: Office of the Secretary, acting through its present officeholders

18. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, acting through its present officeholders

Designated witnesses will acknowledge the proper completion of this Novation, including any necessary follow-up actions:

19. Merrick-E.: Family of Garland, DBA.: United States Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice

20. Rob: Family of Bonta, DBA.: California Attorney General

Subject: Novation and Absolute Substitution of Agreement

This NOVATION NOTICE is a self-executing, self-authenticating lawful declaration issued by a living man, sui juris, operating in private capacity.

This document shall not be misconstrued as an offer to contract under statutory jurisdiction, nor shall any public or corporate entity assume adhesion or consent.

Governed under:

Private Law, Ecclesiastical Law, Common Law, and UCC 1-308. Any entity failing to rebut within the prescribed period waives all claims and consents to binding agreement under estoppel by acquiescence.

Jurisdiction and Authority

The New Obligor, a private foreign unincorporated trust, operates outside statutory jurisdiction, and all disputes shall be resolved through private arbitration, not public courts, in accordance with UCC 1-308 and lawful remedy principles."

"No implied contracts, presumptions of liability, or adhesion contracts shall apply to the New Obligor."

"All statutory, corporate, and federal jurisdictions are hereby disclaimed.

Assertion of Sovereign Jurisdiction:

This Notice of Novation is issued under the sovereign jurisdiction of a living man, Jeremy Dylan Creager, who asserts his status as a non-resident alien, non-citizen national. This status exempts him from the corporate jurisdiction of the District of Columbia and any other corporate entities. His allegiance lies solely with the principles of natural law and common law, which are recognized internationally and upheld by the foundational documents of the United States of America, including the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

Legal Basis:

The jurisdiction of this Novation is affirmed by the inherent authority vested in me as a sovereign being, supported by the Constitution for the United States of America, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the principles outlined in the Magna Carta. Any attempts to impose corporate jurisdiction over this sovereign man will be considered a violation of these fundamental laws.

Assertion of Rights and Status

I realize that my name in all capital letters signifies: 'A public corporation is one created by the state for political purposes and to act as an agency in the administration of civil government.' (Black’s Law 4th Edition). This corporation is generally identified as one of the following variations:






Self-Authenticating Evidence and Legal RecognitionSelf-Authenticating Clause:

This document serves as self-authenticating evidence of my status, rights, and legal standing. In accordance with Federal Rule of Evidence 902(1), which recognizes self-authenticating documents under the seal of a government unit or agency, this Notice is self-executing and requires no further validation from external authorities. The contents herein are certified under penalty of perjury, establishing their validity in any legal, commercial, or administrative context.

Legal Basis:

Supported by 28 U.S.C. § 1746, I declare under penalty of perjury, outside the jurisdiction of the United States, that the statements within this Novation are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. This declaration, combined with my status as a non-citizen national, affirms the self-authenticating nature of this document.


By lawful notice and operation of contract law, all obligations, agreements, and liabilities formerly held by the Original Obligor are now fully transferred and assigned to the New Obligor, thereby discharging and releasing the Original Obligor from any further responsibility.

Effective immediately:

All contracts, debts, agreements, instruments, obligations, or assumed liabilities previously held by JEREMY DYLAN CREAGER are now null and void as to the Original Obligor. The Private Foreign Unincorporated Trust identified herein is now the exclusive party responsible for all interactions, correspondence, and settlements related to any prior agreements.

Any entity attempting to enforce prior obligations upon the Original Obligor shall be deemed in breach of contract law and liable for damages under private commercial law.


This document is an expression of intent rooted in truth, fairness, and mutual respect. By issuing this Novation, I seek to elevate all interactions and contracts to align with the highest principles of integrity, transparency, and universal harmony. It establishes a new dictionary of words, terms, and phrases that will govern all contracts (assumed, implied, express, or otherwise) in all past, present, and future exchanges or dealings with every government organization on the planet. By issuing this Novation, I am clarifying and correcting the terms to ensure that all interactions are conducted with the highest standards of transparency, fairness, and mutual respect. This Novation stands as a testament to the power of aligning our actions with higher frequencies of consciousness, inviting all parties to engage with these principles for the upliftment of all involved. My intention is to bring all dealings into alignment with these revised definitions and principles.


This document is presented as a spiritual and legal expression of truth, rooted in universal laws and higher principles of consciousness. It is not intended to create conflict, nor is it designed to antagonize or challenge any party in a confrontational manner. Rather, this Novation seeks to bring clarity, transparency, and alignment to all interactions and contracts, in accordance with principles of fairness, equity, and mutual respect.

The content herein reflects an understanding of the world as an 'Alice in Wonderland' scenario, where the conventional structures of commerce, law, and society may appear upside down and inside out. This document invites all parties to engage with the definitions, concepts, and principles provided, with the intention of elevating our collective understanding and bringing all dealings into harmony with universal truths.

By engaging with this document, all parties acknowledge the intent to operate from a place of higher consciousness, where truth, integrity, and spiritual awareness guide our actions. This document is not to be misconstrued as a challenge to lawful authority but as an invocation of a higher order of justice, aligned with the natural laws bestowed by God, Source, or a higher power.

Invocation of Universal Laws and Self-Evident Truths

This Novation stands as an invocation of universal laws and self-evident truths, transcending the limitations of human-made laws. These truths are inherent and undeniable, recognized by all who align with higher consciousness. They are the foundation upon which all contracts, agreements, and interactions must rest, ensuring that they resonate with fairness, integrity, and the principles of divine order. By affirming these self-evident truths, this document elevates all dealings to the highest frequencies of consciousness, where justice, equity, and harmony prevail.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…” ~ Declaration of Independence

Invocation of Spiritual Authority

In alignment with the highest spiritual principles, this Novation acknowledges the divine or universal consciousness as the ultimate source of authority. By invoking this higher power, we align all contracts, agreements, and interactions with the natural law, ensuring that they are governed by truth, fairness, and the principles of universal harmony. This recognition affirms the sanctity of these agreements and their alignment with the highest good for all involved.

Section A - Overall breakdown:

I, Jeremy Dylan Creager, am that I am, a living, breathing man and Californian American, holding the status of a noncitizen national under 28 USC 3002(15)(A) and UCC 9-307(h), with a limited and qualified allegiance to the United States. This status is affirmed by my continued possession of a passport under 22 CFR 51.2 and 22 USC 212.

As an ambassador of The Amnesty Coalition, and Land Air Water Bureau, both recognized as 'foreign governments' under 18 USC 11. I am honored to be protected as an internationally recognized individual in accordance with 18 USC 112.

I extend my sincere gratitude to each agency and organization receiving this novation. My aim is to simplify and clarify our mutual dealings, benefiting both my life and the operations of these agencies, who serve as trustees of my status as an internationally protected person.

I recognize that words, terms, and phrases may be interpreted differently, potentially causing misunderstandings in our dealings.

My continuous study of law, including the United States Code, Code of Federal Regulations, Uniform Commercial Code, Trust Law, Common Law, and Contract Law, deepens my relationship with these disciplines.

I appreciate your role in administering my accounts, whether past, present, or potential, and acknowledge the possibility of future services.

These redefined terms form the foundation for interpreting all words and phrases within this document and other contractual agreements.

Each definition is a 'point of truth,' essential to the integrity of this affidavit. Should any clarification be needed, I respectfully request a specific individual response with an affidavit to refine and clarify these definitions for all past, present, and future interactions.

Consciousness Frequency and Jurisdiction:

Contracts are governed by laws that correspond to the consciousness frequency at which they were created. Contracts below the integrity line are subject to realignment with principles of fairness, equity, and higher consciousness.

“When your mind has overcome the confusion of duality, you will attain the state of pure transcendental consciousness.” ~

Bhagavad Gita


Section B - Definitions:


Defined as a change in a contract, partial or full.

Original Obligor:

The party previously identified as contractually bound, but now fully discharged from any obligations under this Novation.

New Obligor:

The Private Unincorporated Foreign Divine Living Trust, an autonomous, private, non-statutory entity, assuming all duties and rights from the Original Obligor.

Definitions and Legal Clarifications


Sovereignty is defined herein as the inherent authority of a living man or woman to self-govern, free from external interference, recognized by international law and affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court in Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356 (1886), which states that sovereignty lies with the individual.


The applicable law governing this Notice, being private law, natural law, ecclesiastical law, and common law, expressly excluding statutory, federal, or commercial codes.

Clarification of Status:

As a non-citizen national of the United States of America, I hold permanent allegiance to the Republic and am recognized as such under 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(21). This status is further protected under 22 U.S.C. § 212, affirming my right to possess a passport as a non-citizen national, separate from the corporate entity known as the 'United States.’


Any individual, corporation, financial institution, government entity, or other organization that previously contracted with or held claims against the Original Obligor.

Non-Commercial and Private Capacity...

Assertion of Private Capacity:

All actions, transactions, and interactions referenced in this Novation are conducted in a private capacity, free from any commercial jurisdiction. As established by the Supreme Court in Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43 (1906), the individual, when operating in their private capacity, is not subject to commercial statutes, regulations, or corporate governance."Legal Basis: "The non-commercial nature of my actions is further supported by 18 U.S.C. § 8, which defines 'obligations of the United States' as exclusively related to public corporations, not private individuals. This Novation, therefore, stands outside the scope of commercial regulations and is governed solely by common law principles.

Invocation of Universal and Natural Laws...

Invocation of Natural Law:

This Novation invokes the principles of natural law, as recognized by Sir William Blackstone in his Commentaries on the Laws of England, which asserts that natural law is superior to all human laws. These principles are self-evident and align with the higher consciousness of truth, justice, and equity.

Legal Basis:

In alignment with natural law, this document is further supported by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, specifically Article 1, which states, 'All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.' This affirmation of universal rights underpins the legal and spiritual authority of this Novation.


Existence refers to the state or fact of being, encompassing all levels of reality, from the physical to the metaphysical. In the context of this novation, existence transcends mere physical form and includes the acknowledgment of multiple dimensions, planes, and frequencies of consciousness. Existence is the foundation upon which all contracts, interactions, and definitions rest, and it is the baseline for determining the applicable rules and laws in any given situation.


Consciousness is the awareness of existence, the faculty that perceives and interacts with all levels of reality. Consciousness operates on multiple frequencies, each governed by different principles, laws, and rules. In the context of this novation, the frequency of consciousness at which an agreement or interaction occurs will determine the governing rules. Lower frequencies of consciousness (e.g., those associated with fear, desire, and control) are governed by more restrictive and material laws, while higher frequencies (e.g., those associated with love, truth, and unity) are governed by laws that reflect higher principles such as fairness, equity, and spiritual alignment.

Pure Consciousness:

Pure Consciousness refers to the highest state of awareness, in which the individual recognizes their inseparable connection with the divine, source energy, or God. This level of consciousness transcends all dualities and operates beyond the confines of lower frequency laws. In this state, the individual is governed by universal laws that prioritize harmony, truth, and the highest good for all. Pure Consciousness is the ultimate authority in any novation, as it aligns all definitions, contracts, and interactions with the principles of universal justice and equity.

Divine(/or what some call the Wholly-ghost):

Involving or contracted with God (however that may be defined by the individual).


A person’s idea of the pure energy or the personification of spiritual or ethical idealism. This could be perceived as a body, an idea or anything else and is completely and only definable within the perception and decisions of the individual. But ultimately it is existence itself. The i am that i am.


The ultimate title. The ultimate simplicity. One of the basic elements of the battery of nature. The desire to protect. The drive and focus to achieve a goal. One of two original bodies created by God in an effort to be a creation of half of what God is composed of. An incomplete expression of nature. The searcher of beauty.


The ultimate title. The creator of beauty. Beauty is created by the manufacturer of art. Beauty is not inherent, it is created. The dancing, warm flow of existence. That of which is the great mediator of life. The true logic of life that understands life through the emotional and instinctual understanding of experience. That of which prevents life and existence from using the drive of masculinity in an effort to drive our human race into oblivion. Softness, mediation, flow.


A condition that is the product of having a vast amount more truth than lies on any given subject, mixed with being devoid of guilt and shame on that particular subject. The correct definitions for words is the most important aspect of freedom (the highest form of freedom is redefining all words and symbols, at will, on all contracts).


An agreement with God to have a union with one or more other persons in an effort to make their lives and the lives of others better. A trust agreement. No corporation or “artificial entity” may enter or involve itself with the structure of a marriage as it is a bond between only the men, women and their God, as defined by them.


A person’s status outside of any external group or corporate system. This status cannot be signed away or given away under any circumstances. The only avenue to truly relinquish sovereignty is suicide. The words “foreign” or “nonresident” are both indicating a sovereign person or area.


An agreement where assets are held and administered by a trustee for the benefit of a beneficiary. This structure comes straight from God through the Bible and, while there have been corporate versions of trusts created in an effort to deceive, THIS DEFINITION SPECIFICALLY AND EXPLICITLY DOES NOT INCLUDE THOSE TYPES OF “TRUSTS.” Corporate trusts are not trusts, they are corporations or businesses and are located in the District of Columbia, City of London or Vatican City. This is a definition of truth, not deception. This definition of trust only applies to the completely non-incorporated original trust agreements that are entirely and completely sovereign and un-a-lien-able. Trusts are not within the jurisdiction or purview of any corporate element, government element, or anything else. They are governed only and entirely by the people who are involved in the trust. Trusts are NOT created by government or any corporation and are created by a grantor/executor, which is a person who simply brings the trust into being.

Private Trust:

A foreign, unincorporated, non-statutory entity operating under private contract law, distinct from the public domain.


The normal idea of problems is “something of which is considered pesky, unwanted, difficult and unappreciated. Something of which a person generally would rather not have.” This definition puts all the power of the situation into the problem itself. The new definition of “problem” is: “that of which gives excitement and interest to a story. The element of a story that is considered and defined, entirely out of the free will of the person, to be something unwanted. The “problem” is the element of which all adventures are born. The resolution of a “problem” is the entire structure of a journey.


An Independent body politic; a society of men united together for the purpose of promoting their mutual safety and advantage by the joint efforts of their combined strength. But every combination of men who govern themselves independently of all others will not be considered a nation. A body of pirates, for example, who govern themselves, are not a nation. To constitute a nation, another ingredient is required. The body thus formed must respect other nations in general, and each of their members in particular. Such a society has her affairs and her interests; she deliberates and takes resolutions in common, thus becoming a moral person, who possesses an understanding and will peculiar to herself, and is susceptible of obligations and rights.” -Vattel, Prelim. Ill, 2; 5 Pet. (U. S.) 52. See 1 Idaho (N. S.) 612.

Public Notice:

A legally binding declaration posted in the public domain, serving as due notice to all parties.

“State,” “state,” and “STATE”:

"State” and “STATE” refer to corporation fakes that are located in the District of Columbia (they are listed on Dun and Bradstreet as businesses). “state” means the same as “nation” and defers to the definition below. From now on, any usage of the 3 variations of state will default to an unincorporated zone unless explicitly described as a business located in the District of Columbia.

State government is the highest form of government available and is always held by the people who inhabit that state, even if there is no official body or office of government activity. Each state is legally a separate country to one another in law. The sheriff is responsible for enforcing laws and handling disputes in the field and his ultimate purpose is “to handle the surface manifestations of society.” Whereas the courts then take the surface manifestations of society and dig deeper in an effort to permanently address difficulties in the society or culture. The purpose of a judge or court is “to dig deeper into the surface manifestations of society in an effort to find the source of disputes and eliminate their unnecessary manufacture.

Any group of individuals working together that is at peace with themselves and share tranquility and enlightenment with other groups would be officially defined as a state. “State” and “nation” essentially mean the same thing.

Body Politic:

State or nation or public associations, -Black’s Law 4th Edition

De facto:

That of which appears to be real but is fake. This is “The Matrix.” That of which appears to be fake because it is what you perceive but it is born of ignorance and misunderstood words. This is a fake prison world that exists only through ignorance.

De jure:

The real world. What is actually the reality that may have been lost due to ignorance, shame and loss. The de jure is a utopia that thrives in truth. Whereas the de facto is a false nightmare that thrives in lies.


An association or company of persons (generally unincorporated) united together by mutual consent, in order to deliberate, determine, and act jointly for some common purpose. In a wider sense, the community or public; the people in general. -Black’s Law 4th Edition


An organization that is below the level of the power of an American that is operated to keep the peace in the society and assist cultures and societies to remove elements that cause unnecessary turbulence in the society. The basic purpose of government is “to create and foster a culture that is flourishing, free of disputes and confusions/lies. A planter and harvester of truth.” No corporation can be a government, as the purpose of a corporation is “maximum profit for shareholders” and that creates a massive conflict of interest.

*Supreme court case of Elkins Et Al v. United States, 364 U.S. 206:

In a government of laws, existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law, it invites every man to become a law unto himself, and it invites anarchy.


"We may define a republic to be, or at least may bestow that name on, a government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people, and is administered by persons holding their offices during pleasure, for a limited period, or during good behavior. It is ESSENTIAL to such a government that it be derived from the great body of the society, not from an inconsiderable proportion, or a favored class of it; . . . It is SUFFICIENT for such a government that the persons administering it be appointed, either directly or indirectly, by the people; and that they hold their appointments by either of the tenures just specified.” -James Madison in Federalist No. 39


As per 8 USC 1101(a)(21): “The term “national” means a person owing permanent allegiance to a state.” This status is achieved through naturalization, from 8 USC 1101(a)(23): “The term “naturalization” means the conferring of nationality of a state upon a person after birth, by any means whatsoever.” A national is a TRUE American and lives on the land of North America. Indian tribes are in this category.

The District of Columbia (“Washington D.C.”):

A for-profit private corporation that is foreign to all the individual states. The purpose of this corporation is to SERVE THE STATES (the 50 unincorporated states as well as any other nations or states in the unincorporated zone) in an effort to help with state-to-state communication, commerce, etc. They do not have the ability to govern outside of their tiny ten-square mile sandbox. They are essentially a private contractor that is employed to enhance interstate activity. They can be fired no differently than a plumber or carpenter if any individual state decides to do so. Each individual state is contracted into this corporation as a request for assistance. The District of Columbia is not allowed to use any trickery to describe itself, such as the term “United States.” Any attempt to deceive will be considered fraud or treason and will be treated accordingly. The primary purpose for Washington DC is “to create a prosperous country by enhancing that which is creating abundance and destroying or eliminating that which is creating scarcity. To ensure that the Constitution of the original non-incorporated America is adhered to by ensuring its application in interstate dealings. To assist each and every state with any scarcities they may encounter.”

United States:

The original states of the Republic being referred to as a collective. The “United States” is not, in itself, a country. Each individual state is a country, by law. This definition specifically and explicitly negates the definition found in 28 USC 3002(15), as well as the description found in UCC 9-307(h). Any de facto corporation found using the term “United States” will automatically be changed to “only and explicitly the District of Columbia and its territories.” The “Federal corporation” does not have any jurisdiction in the 50 individual unincorporated states of America (or any additional states or nations in those areas) and this term being used is very heavy fraud that very few people know about. Any use of this definition will be assumed that the person using it does not know this definition and the prosecution of the use of this term will need EXTENSIVE levels of evidence that proves INTENT. This term is the core aspect of the difficulties in our glorious country. Assumption that the use of this term is of ill-will should NOT be done, as all assumptions should be a lack of comprehension of this most deadly term.

Public corporation:

"A public corporation is one created by the state for political purposes and to act as an agency in the administration of civil government.” -Black’s Law 4th Edition


An organization that operates under the Crown of England. The entire contract breaks down like this: someone APPLIES for approval to be under the codes, regulations and rules of the Crown of England, then is approved and allowed to operate in their world. You “incorporate” into this world, meaning you involve yourself in it and operate under its structure. There are various services available in that world that provide structure and boundaries in exchange for fees and other consideration. Contracting into this body of rules and regulations is a choice and each person should look at the pros, cons and benefits associated with doing so prior to requesting approval. All corporations can only be physically located in one of three locations: The District of Columbia, the incorporated sector of the City of London or Vatican City.

Artificial entity:

An estate, company, association, partnership, corporation, trust or other entity indicating a collective body of individuals. These bodies are “persons” if they operate entirely and completely within the confines of the definitions of “nation” and “peace,” which are both locatable in this dictionary of terms. But the word “person” will no longer be used and, in the interest of creating clear contracts, the word “entity” will be used when not a man or woman.


A government officer or employee. If you look over the many definitions of “city” in Black’s Law, you will see things like “a political entity or subdivision for governmental purposes,” “a public corporation for public purposes,” “A state agency for carrying on local government,” and “a voluntary association or corporation.”

“person,” “human being” and “individual”:

These words/terms are defined as: a nothingness which produces a somethingness. The seat of creativity. This is not the brain, nor the body, but is a potential consciousness that has no space, no wavelength, no mass and no location. This essence contains the decisions and definitions associated with interaction, identity, ethics, morals and integrity.

US Citizen/U.S. Person:

An individual working for the incorporated government in the District of Columbia. “U.S. Person” could also be an entity, such as a corporation or estate, organized under the laws of the incorporated entity called “United States.”

Resident alien:

Someone who is PROVEN to live in the District of Columbia.

Non-resident alien:

Someone who is PROVEN to not live in the District of Columbia.

Social Security/Social Security Number:

The Employer Identification Number (EIN) of the public corporation of your name in all capital letters (the ens legis). The IRS defines the EIN as: “An Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as a Federal Tax ID Number, is a 9-digit number assigned by the IRS to identify a business entity. It is often used for banking, taxation, and to register your business with the federal government.”

Transmitting utility:

This term is not to be mistaken with a human being. This term means a person who is producing or transmitting electricity. While the body does do that, this definition is explicitly negating any idea that a human being is a transmitting utility in the eyes of the law.


Permission to do something that would otherwise be considered illegal. This is generally only needed for corporations, as men and women do not need licenses but are actually the issuers of licenses themselves.


Anyone who willingly and knowingly wishes to gift their money or currency then completes the action of actually gifting it. Just because they donated once does not permanently make them a “taxpayer.” They can only be assumed to be a taxpayer at the exact moment of donation… not a minute before or a minute after.


Fee-for-service flow where all parties agree that legal or litigation intervention has been injected in an effort to keep all parties from failing to perform.


Anything used as a medium of exchange. The words “money” and “currency” ARE VERY DIFFERENT. Currency could be bottle caps, small pieces of metal, paper, or anything else. Currency is not required to be silver/gold coins. This definition includes negotiable instruments.


In order to understand banking, the idea of a terminal must be understood. This term comes from the terminology used in batteries and electricity. A terminal is a person who is effectively (or potentially) exchanging goods and/or services in a way that contributes to building a society or a market.


A group of people, small or large, that is exchanging goods and services in an effort to make life more exciting, more interesting, easier, etc. The basis of legality of all market transactions is found in the idea of consent. “Harmful” goods and services may be offered legally as long as all parties in the transaction are consenting and that transaction or activity does not encroach into the freedoms of another person who may not agree with what is happening.

Trade or Business: in the IRC (Internal Revenue Code) is a statutory term generally used to define taxable activity under U.S. jurisdiction. Under 26 U.S.C. § 7701(a)(26), "trade or business" includes the performance of services in the United States by a nonresident alien or any commercial activity conducted for gain. The IRS interprets "trade or business" as involving public commerce under regulatory jurisdiction, making it subject to taxation, reporting requirements, and statutory enforcement.

Private Business or Trade: as used in my Fee Schedule refers to activities conducted in the private domain, outside statutory jurisdiction. This would include private contractual agreements, trust operations, and non-commercial exchanges, where no statutory privilege is being exercised. Unlike the IRC definition, private trade operates under common law, private contract law, and natural law, with no presumption of being subject to federal taxation unless voluntarily elected.


Understanding, as defined in this definitions section, of the contract or agreement in question. This understanding is then mixed with explicit agreement. Explicit agreement is important because assuming agreement or consent is quite dangerous. Agreement and consent should be explicit and “tacit consent” or “consent due to acquiescence” is essentially rape in commerce. Involuntary servitude is entirely illegal, but at the same time… not responding to an important concern is irresponsible. There is a fine line between the two that must be walked.

Acceptance by Non-Rebuttal:

A legal principle by which silence, failure to rebut, or failure to act within the time frame specified shall constitute full acceptance and agreement.

Clean Hands Doctrine:

A party seeking relief under a contract must themselves have acted with integrity and good faith in relation to that contract. Integrity involves honesty, transparency, and adherence to ethical standards, while good faith requires fair dealing and sincere intention in the execution of agreements. Contracts that do not meet the integrity line cannot be enforced by parties who have not upheld these principles.


Contracts or specific terms that are excessively unfair, oppressive, or one-sided are deemed unconscionable and unenforceable. Such contracts operate from a frequency of exploitation and are below the integrity line.

Legal Basis:

UCC § 2-302; Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 208.

Good Faith and Fair Dealing:

Every contract carries an implied obligation of good faith and fair dealing, requiring parties to act honestly and fairly. A breach indicates a contract that operates below the integrity line.

Legal Basis:

UCC § 1-304; Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 205.

Fraud and Deception:

Contracts entered into through fraud, misrepresentation, or any form of deliberate deception are inherently void or voidable. Such actions operate from a frequency of dishonesty and manipulation, which are below the integrity line. In maintaining the highest standards of integrity and transparency, any agreement tainted by fraud or misrepresentation will be subject to immediate nullification or reformation to restore fairness and equity.

Legal Basis:

Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 164; Common Law principles of fraud.

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” ~ Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Gold and/or silver coins. Without gold and/or silver coins involved in a transaction, there is no negative or positive gain in the real world. There can only be a false illusion of positive or negative gain. “Profit and loss” can only be computed through the exchange of gold/silver coins. Any commercial activity in the de facto that is not exchanging silver and gold coins is, by definition, a “non-profit activity.”


In the de facto it would be any individual that converts one negotiable instrument into another or creates notes and bills. In the de jure it would be the storing, safe keeping, transferring and exchanging of gold/silver coins. No licenses or “approval” is needed to be a bank and every individual person IS a bank, by definition, in the de facto. Anyone who can promise that some amount will be paid in the future is, by definition, a bank.


The operation of electrical energy translated to the world of money and finance. The creation, flow and use of any form of energy that is used as the intermediary of trade or commerce. Any item that would be used as a mode of exchange and that follows all the rules of physics as regards to flow and energy. The highest form of “banker,” in the literal sense, would be an electrical engineer. Banking in the de facto is accomplished by the creation of credit by exchanging a promissory note for Federal Reserve Notes as per the Federal Reserve Act, Section 16, Part 2 - via the Federal Reserve Window. These credit exchanges are done by a lack of disclosure to the indorsee, thus causing the indorsee to sign using a blank indorsement (meaning an unconditional indorsement that releases the valuable security to the financial institution entirely - essentially “gifting” the collateral security to be exchanged and payable to the banking institution). Banking in the de jure is the coining and handling of silver and gold COINS in an effort to create a stable and functional exchange medium.

Note/instrument/negotiable instrument/security/bond:

An unconditional promise to pay (promissory note) or an unconditional order to pay (bill of exchange). “Bill” is a shortening of “bill of exchange” and “note” is a shortening of “promissory note”

Promissory note:

means an instrument that evidences a promise to pay a monetary obligation, does not evidence an order to pay, and does not contain an acknowledgment by a bank that the bank has received for deposit a sum of money or funds. ~ UCC § 9-102. (a) (65)


This definition will defer to Black’s Law 4th Edition: “The fulfillment of a promise, or the performance of an agreement.”


The offer of performance, not performance itself, and when unjustifiably refused, places other party in default and permits party making tender to exercise remedies for breach of contract. -Black’s Law 4th Edition


The indorsement and return of a negotiable instrument, approving it for exchange at the Federal Reserve Discount Window.

Obligations of the United States:

Any promise or evidence of debt regarding any public corporation. 18 USC 8 is quite clear about this.


These words now mean the same thing. Someone who produces no license at all or a passport is in non-commerce. Someone producing a Driver’s License is in commerce. THEIR INVOLVEMENT IN COMMERCE MUST BE EVIDENT AND THEIR UNKNOWING PRESENTMENT OF A DRIVER’S LICENSE DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY MEAN THEY OPERATE IN COMMERCE. IT IS ONLY AN INDICATOR AND EVIDENCE MUST BE ESTABLISHED.

Vehicle/Automobile/Motor vehicle/Motor Carrier:

A car, truck, van, big rig, boat, plane, etc, that could be used for either commercial reasons or non-commercial reasons. These terms are now all interchangeable. No license is required to operate any of the above. If a person wishes, they may acquire a passport for simpler travel in order to identify themselves. If they are willingly contracted into a body of commercial Codes, they may get a Driver’s License that delineates which body of Codes they are subscribed to and any other important information that may be associated with that subscription. All vehicles/automobiles and motor vehicles have superior titles that are held by the holder of the Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin or the Certificate of Title (or any other official paper that describes ownership). The presentment of a passport, OR NO LICENSE AT ALL, indicates that the vehicle is not involved in any pre-determined statute systems in commerce. The current and exact evidence supporting that a person is involved in commerce is needed to truly and legally/lawfully classify someone as “involved in commerce.” Any automobile moving its own personal property or private passengers are not commerce.

Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin (MCO):

The original birth certificate of a vehicle, describing what was created by the manufacturer. This piece of paper is held in safekeeping by the corporate entity of the District of Columbia via Department of Motor Vehicle centers (or similar names). These MCOs are held in safe-keeping and the Certificates of Title that are issued by the Dept of Motor Vehicles (or any similar corporation) are nothing more than legal copies of the MCO. Exchanging the “Certificate of Title” exchanges the full and entire interest in the MCO from the parties listed on the Certificate of Title. The bill of sale between private individuals who exchange the Certificate of Title is a brand new MCO that essentially shows that the person who has held and modified the car has exchanged that car to the new owner. The Dept of Motor Vehicles (or any other corporation) agrees that the writing and notarization of a bill of sale between persons exchanging a Certificate of Title contains the same power as exchanging the MCO and the bill of sale is a superior title to even the MCO itself. The Dept of Motor Vehicles (or any similar corporation) operates as essentially a bank and holds the superior title for us as essentially a glorified lockbox.

Certificate of Title (or any other name for a document proving ownership or interest):

Essentially a receipt that shows that the Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin (MCO) of a vehicle is being safely kept by the state. The Certificate of Title is an exact duplicate in power in law as the MCO and is not an abstract or representation of the Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin, but it IS the MCO, simply in another format. The holding of a Certificate of Title is the exact same as the holding of the MCO and transferring a Certificate of Title is the same as transferring the MCO itself. Registration is nothing more than the fees that are paid in exchange for the protection of the MCO and transferring of it. At no point in time does the state own or have a legal interest in the vehicle. The state is operating only as a banking lockbox to help protect the MCO and to administrate the transferring of the full rights of the vehicle or automobile.

Bill of sale:

Any document that describes any item being transferred and any customization or alterations that item went through during previous ownership. The bill of sale acts as a superior title and is the new Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin for the automobile.


The organization of natural elements into a cohesive system. Something that is the product of a combination of products through some kind of system. Manufacturing also includes the altering or customizing of already-produced products. Any altering to a product in any way makes the person who altered the item the “manufacturer.” This word is literal in the fact that “manu” comes from “made by the hand” - so any changes or alterations or upgrades made by the hands of the previous owner would fit within this definition.

Superior title:

The highest and complete sovereign ownership and governance of any item or thing. In law, the superior titles used by a person are “man” and “woman” and these titles are always assumed to be the primary title above all spoken, written or assumed titles.


"Intent" expresses mental action at its most advanced point, or as it actually accompanies an outward, corporal [of or involving the body] act which has been determined on. Intent shows the presence of will in the act which consummates a crime. It is the exercise of intelligent will, the mind being fully aware of the nature and consequences of the act which is about to be done, and with such knowledge, and with full liberty of action, willing and electing to do it. -Black's Law 4th Edition (bracket section added by Brandon Joe Williams to clarify the word "corporal")


Something given of value that all parties consider of value and continue to consider of value throughout the entire life of the contract or agreement. If either party decides, during the life of a contract, that consideration is no longer equal, then that contract can be instantaneously canceled from that moment. Fraud vitiates all contracts from their inception and acts as though a contract never existed to begin with.


Any attempt to create illusion, delusion, vagueness or over-complexity in an effort to confuse or reduce the ability to perceive or understand something. THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF FRAUD IS THE ALTERATION OF DEFINITIONS OF WORDS OR TERMS. All men and all women deserve to live a life of honest and transparent dealings.

“Fraud vitiates everything it touches.” ~

Maxim of Law

Duress and Coercion:

Contracts signed under duress, coercion, or undue influence are not valid, as they operate from a frequency of fear or intimidation, which are below the integrity line. Such agreements lack the essential qualities of free will and mutual consent, and therefore cannot be upheld.

Legal Basis:

Restatement (Second) of Contracts §§ 174-177.

Restitution and Equitable Remedies:

Contracts voided due to fraud, misinformation, or other factors below the integrity line may require restitution or reformation to restore fairness and balance. These remedies are essential to realign the contract with principles of equity and justice.

Legal Basis:

Restatement (Third) of Restitution and Unjust Enrichment; UCC §§ 2-209, 2-718.

Public Policy:

Contracts that violate public policy or societal standards of fairness are void, as they operate below the integrity line.

Legal Basis:

Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 178.


A feeling of degradation that stems from someone else effectively persuading you that your actions have directly harmed them, others or yourself.


Active self-degradation that stems from believing that your actions harm or degrade others. This is only possible due to the collective previous persuasions of others that you have or can hurt them. It is the idea of “being careful” taken to the level of absurdity.


To lower one’s value or perceived value.


To kill oneself as a willful act of ending the contract of life.


The information that, when exposed and understood, eliminates all negative conditions. For example: negative emotions, guilt, shame, stupidity, hate, etc.


Pieces of information that degrade and/or create/enhance bad conditions. One of the purposes of the courts is “to locate and obliterate the sources of lies.”


The idea that a person has “more than what is needed or desired.” The idea of how much someone needs or desires is entirely up to them and has nothing to do with their environment. This feeling or idea is entirely within the control of each individual person for each individual area of their life. This ratio of “abundance versus scarcity” gives tremendous excitement in the game of life.


The idea that a person has “less than what is needed or desired.” The idea of how much someone needs or desires is entirely up to them and has nothing to do with their environment. This feeling or idea is entirely within the control of each individual person for each individual area of their life. This ratio of “abundance versus scarcity” gives tremendous excitement in the game of life.


The perception of supply versus demand. Something that “everyone wants” that no one can have would have the highest perceived value. Value is entirely calculated through the nature of humans and their interest in making life an interesting game.


A debtor is someone who owes a true negative in an agreement or contract where they have received true value and consideration but have not reciprocated that consideration to a sufficient point for both parties (within reason). A debtor cannot be a debtor if they did not consciously and expressly involve themselves in the contract to begin with. Anyone who has unknowingly signed away a valuable negotiable instrument using a blank indorsement would NOT be classified as a debtor due to there having been valuable consideration already manufactured and given.


The indorsee of any promissory note or bill of exchange. Any successful attempt to trick, whether through nondisclosure or active displacement, an indorsee into doing a blank indorsement on any security, without valuable exchange in return, will be charged with purloining those instruments.


Confirming agreement or acceptance. If involving a negotiable instrument, it would be an indorsement.


Any writing placed on a negotiable instrument for the purpose of assigning, transferring, or redeeming the security or granting a power to assign, transfer, or redeem it.

The default signature or indorsement for all documents SHALL NOT BE A BLANK INDORSEMENT. All indorsements, whether previous, current, or future, are to follow the format below:


Pay to the order of:


by: /s/ jeremy dylan creager


Jeremy Dylan Creager, Agent


A cursive writing, using a pen and paper, unique to each living man or woman, of some sort of artistic symbolism that proves their identity due to the unique style in which it is written. An autograph is never on behalf of an artificial entity and is always a representation of the living man or woman who made it.

Limited liability:

The degradation of personal power by assuming that there are problems that could pop up that you would be incapable of handling. A shrinking of personal confidence that stems from a person committing acts that they deem worthy of shame or guilt. Personal shrinkage.


Any forced contract that did not have explicit understanding and consent at the inception and throughout the entire duration of the contract. Anything that could be considered involuntary servitude, forced labor, enticement into slavery, etc.


There must be a victim to have a crime. The “government” or state may not be the victim. “Crime” is established when someone’s rights are exercised to such a broad level that it harms or damages another person.

“Harm” or “damage”:

Physical or emotional destruction or degradation that can be somehow proven objectively (subjective examples would need more of a track-record of proof in order to be substantiated).


The ability to appreciate anyone or anything for what they are and to enjoy their flaws and their beauties as nothing more than a creation of expression assumed to be entirely within their will. This includes permitting someone to destroy their life as they see fit, as long as that destruction does not harm or damage others.


What the individual considers right/wrong (and why).


The spoken AND UNSPOKEN ideas of what a group considers right/wrong (and why).


Exact and specific rules or boundaries that all of mankind naturally, spoken or unspoken, agree on. Law is very simple and is composed of 3 basic points: do not harm others, do not harm or steal the property of others and be transparent (do not lie or hide things) in your contracts and dealings with others. Everyone has the protections of true law, even those that are involved in groups with specific Codes. No Code or statute will ever cloud or supersede an individual’s natural law and any attempt to reduce the rights of any governmental employee or corporate citizen is tantamount to treason. Anyone operating with the intention to help others has the full protections of law at all times and their standing as a man or woman is primary in law above all other titles. Law is designed to disarm the person who has the intention to harm and to empower the person with the intention to help.


Rules that are created by a government, corporation or group for the purpose of creating structure and agreement for the willing members of the group. Policy. A person may be involved in many sets of statutes in various areas of their life. These spoken or implied agreements allow them to navigate their endeavors and no statutes are ever imposed on them beyond their will and awareness. If any group decides that a person has gone too far outside their statues, they remove the person from the group beyond their will to be in that group.


Normally, “intelligence” is known as “some fixed and predetermined capacity to understand.” This definition is limiting and was manufactured by the field of psychiatrists in an effort to make people feel overwhelmed by their inability to rapidly grasp something. Due to this sly and highly false definition, humanity has been harmed. The new definition of “intelligence” is simply CURIOSITY. Curiosity (and now “intelligence”) is defined as “a natively infinite ability to find wonderment in things. Each and every person has an immediate and infinite quantity of this. How rapidly they grasp things is simply gauged by the quality of the questions they ask when applying their “intelligence” or curiosity. Poor quality questions reduce the speed of comprehension, but the application of “intelligence” will ALWAYS arrive at an understanding… regardless of the quality of the questions.”


To have a basic idea in the mind that comes across almost as the idea of “an understanding in the form of energy” - meaning having so much comprehension of some particular word or thing that you can get the feeling in your mind that you do not even need words or symbols to explain the ideas. A conceptual understanding of something may even leave the person saying “I know what it is, I simply can’t put it into words.” The ideas are devoid of having to use the “crutch” of other words or symbols. It is a full immersion into an idea or term that feels almost as if you are the source of the definition of the word or idea itself. You can “feel” the definition. YOU ARE THE DEFINITION.

Understand/under stand/under-stand:

To conceptually copy information into your own mind, contribute to it (invest in it) in an effort to make it your own, then be able to apply it in the physical world to the product of an effective effect. This definition explicitly negates any idea that these words may be used to trick someone into granting dominion or power over them.


In the de facto, it is the indorsing of a promissory note by a person based off their future potential productivity, which is then exchanged with the Federal Reserve for Federal Reserve Notes. A “financial institution” is not required to convert the promissory note into Federal Reserve Notes but may be utilized for assistance if needed. A “financial institution” hired to provide this service is nothing more than a contracted currency exchanger and the loan is NOT being given by them (they are not a “lender,” they are a “currency exchanger.”) Any effort to trick or deceive as to who is creating the loan or giving the loan will be treated as fraud or treason and handled accordingly. In the de jure it is the issuing of silver/gold coins at interest.


Generally, when person for whom services are performed has right to control and direct individual who performs services not only as to result to be accomplished by work but also as to details and means by which result is accomplished, individual subject to direction is an "employee". [Young v. Demos, 70 Ga. App. 577, 28 S.E. 2d 891, 893].


A quick and easy way to identify oneself in terms of culture, nationality, etc. A passport is not necessary and simply greases the gears of the social world. It is wholly non-commercial and has to do with a person’s private, non-commercial, non-governmental activities.

Sovereign citizen:

Someone who creates unnecessary contention by violently combating things of which they do not understand.


Proof that establishes location, intention, action and responsibility. Perceptions and opinions may very well not be evidence.

“You,” “Your” or any other small common word:

"You” or “your” or any other variation of showing identity and any usage of small common words to try and trick someone into special definitions that degrade or harm will fall under treason. Redefining these words are an obvious attempt at subversion and are never going to be used in an effort to assist someone. The creation of special definitions for small common words are immediately assumed to be treason, as the intent is clear. This definition was born out of a cognizance of the existence of 20 CFR 422.402 subsection (e). This definition automatically eliminates all definitions of this type and vitiates their existence since their supposed inception.


To assist another in presenting themselves. No one waives their rights or status in having or demanding assistance.

Liability and Damages:

Parties benefiting from contracts below the integrity line are liable for compensatory, punitive, and exemplary damages, based on the extent of harm caused.

Legal Basis:

UCC § 2-715; 18 U.S.C. § 1341 (Mail Fraud); 18 U.S.C. § 1343 (Wire Fraud); Restatement (Second) of Torts § 908 (Punitive Damages).


The exact, agreed-upon boundaries of the meaning of a series of symbols, behavior, or anything else. A definition could be entirely unknown or mistaken, but an “incorrect definition” would be the largest aspect that this section should clarify. An “incorrect definition” would be a meaning that is either too narrow or too wide, too simple or too complex, too vague or too specific. A definition is the contract associated with the meaning of the word, idea, phrase, etc. The source of credit and law, which is the well-intentioned inhabitant or contributing member of a group, has the highest rank in terms of the creation, clarification or changing of definitions. Definitions are living, breathing things and are the most important aspect to all contracts and communication. VAGUE OR OVER-COMPLICATED DEFINITIONS WILL BE VIEWED AND ASSUMED TO BE AN ATTEMPT TO DECEIVE AND WILL BE CLASSIFIED AS FRAUD.

Terms of Service

Good Faith Engagement:

All parties interacting with this document agree to engage in good faith, with a shared commitment to truth, transparency, and the principles outlined herein. The intent is to foster understanding, cooperation, and mutual benefit.

Respect for Universal Laws:

This document operates under the premise that universal laws, spiritual truths, and higher consciousness take precedence over man-made laws that operate at lower frequencies. All parties are expected to respect and align with these higher principles in their interactions.

Commitment to Non-Adversarial Resolution:

The purpose of this document is not to create adversarial outcomes but to seek resolution, correction, and alignment in all dealings. Any disputes arising from this document are to be addressed with a focus on harmony, justice, and the upliftment of all parties involved.

Acknowledgment of Sovereign Status:

The author of this document asserts their status as a free man, operating under the natural laws bestowed by God or a higher power. All interactions and agreements must acknowledge and respect this sovereign status, as outlined in the definitions provided.

Transparency and Integrity:

All communications, actions, and agreements that arise from this document must be conducted with the utmost transparency and integrity. Any attempt to obscure, manipulate, or deceive in relation to the terms and definitions herein will be considered a breach of these terms of service.

Alignment with Higher Frequencies:

All agreements and contracts that result from this document must resonate with the higher frequencies of consciousness. Contracts operating below the integrity line (as defined in Section C) are subject to reformation, nullification, or other remedies as appropriate.

Non-Obligation Clause:

The author of this document reserves the right to take or refrain from taking any follow-up actions as deemed necessary, without obligation or compulsion. The intent is to maintain the freedom and sovereignty of the author while ensuring that all dealings remain in alignment with the principles outlined in this document.


This Novation Notice is executed under private contract law, common law, and natural law, ensuring that no statutory jurisdiction, adhesion contract, or implied agreement applies. The following legal precedents support and affirm the fundamental right to contract, sovereign capacity, and freedom from compelled obligations:

1. Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356 (1886)

["Though the law itself be fair on its face and impartial in appearance, yet, if it is applied and administered by public authority with an evil eye and an unequal hand, so as practically to make unjust and illegal discriminations between persons in similar circumstances, material to their rights, the denial of equal justice is still within the prohibition of the Constitution."

— [Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, 373-374 (1886)]]

Why This Case Matters:

This ruling establishes that government agencies cannot enforce statutes or contracts selectively or unfairly. Any attempt to impose obligations upon one party while exempting others constitutes unlawful discrimination and is null and void.

2. Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43 (1906)

["The individual may stand upon his constitutional rights as a citizen. He is entitled to carry on his private business in his own way. His power to contract is unlimited. He owes no duty to the State or to his neighbors to divulge his business, or to open his doors to an investigation, so far as it may tend to incriminate him."

— [Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43, 74 (1906)]]

Why This Case Matters:

This ruling affirms the right to engage in private contracts without state interference. The Original Obligor owes no duty to disclose private contractual matters to any entity lacking lawful standing, and government bodies cannot compel contractual performance absent voluntary agreement.

3. Crandall v. Nevada, 73 U.S. 35 (1868)

["The right of free movement is fundamental and cannot be abridged by taxation or other restraints imposed by the State."

— [Crandall v. Nevada, 73 U.S. 35 (1868)]]

Why This Case Matters:

This precedent protects the right to contract, transact, and settle affairs privately without state-imposed restrictions. Any attempt to regulate, tax, or interfere with this Novation is unlawful.

4. Gibbons v. Ogden, 22 U.S. 1 (1824)

["The power to regulate commerce does not include the power to destroy it."

— [Gibbons v. Ogden, 22 U.S. 1 (1824)]]

Why This Case Matters:

This ruling reinforces that contracting is a fundamental liberty that cannot be arbitrarily regulated or restricted by any legislative or corporate body. Any third party attempting to disrupt or nullify this Novation Agreement lacks lawful authority.

5. Federal Rule of Evidence 902(a)

"Under Rule 902(a) of the Federal Rules of Evidence, an exception exists for a select group of documents where no authentication is required for admissibility as evidence.

Specific categories include:

* Acknowledged documents (documents that are notarized or sworn under oath)."

— Federal Rule of Evidence 902(a)

Why This Rule Matters:

This Novation Notice is a sworn, acknowledged document, making it self-authenticating under Rule 902(a). It requires no additional verification from statutory courts to be admitted as lawful evidence and stands as a binding, enforceable declaration.


Any party failing to timely rebut this Novation, via affidavit under penalty of perjury, within thirty (30) days shall be forever estopped from bringing any claim against the Original Obligor.

Exclusive Communication Method:

All correspondence regarding this Notice must be sent via registered mail to:

C/O Divine Core Legacy Trust

3210 N Pleasantburg Dr PMB 1066

Greenville, South Carolina [29609] u.S.A.

Non-Assumpsit / Non-Domestic

Non-Resident, Outside Federal Jurisdiction

No electronic or third-party communications shall be deemed valid unless explicitly agreed to in writing.

Failure to Rebut Constitutes:

Full acceptance of this Novation.

Irrevocable removal of any presumed obligations.

Lawful agreement to all terms outlined herein.

By continued silence or failure to rebut point-for-point within the lawful timeframe, all terms in this Novation become fully binding and enforceable. Any violations or breaches shall incur fees as detailed in the Fee Schedule.

Section C - Frequencies of Consciousness and Governing Laws

All agreements and contracts are governed by the frequency of consciousness at which they operate. Each frequency dictates specific laws and realities:

Low Frequency (100-175): Reflects fear, desire, and control, resulting in restrictive, imbalanced, and opaque agreements. Contracts at this level may be subject to nullification or correction if they misalign with fairness and equity. Mid Frequency (200-310): Governed by principles of personal responsibility, fairness, and mutual respect, contracts at this frequency begin to align with higher consciousness and universal laws.

High Frequency (500-600): Embodying love, joy, and peace, these agreements naturally align with the highest good, universal truth, and divine order. They are inherently binding and foster spiritual harmony.

The frequency at which an agreement operates determines its validity and the rules that govern it. Contracts found to operate below the integrity line (level 200) are subject to immediate reevaluation, reformation, or nullification to restore balance, fairness, and alignment with universal laws that guide all conscious beings towards truth and harmony.

Applicable Laws and Legal Principles:

Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:

The right to self-representation is preserved in all criminal prosecutions, allowing the accused to represent themselves with or without counsel.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Article 1:

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, affirming the inherent sovereignty and dignity of individuals.

Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution:

No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, ensuring that all individuals are entitled to legal protections and fair treatment.

Maxims of Equity:

Equity regards as done that which ought to be done, allowing the law to consider the intention behind actions, rather than strictly adhering to the letter of the law.

Informed Consent Doctrine:

Informed consent requires that individuals are fully informed and voluntarily consent to any legal or medical procedures, ensuring that sovereignty and vulnerabilities are respected in all dealings.

Common Law Reasonable Person Standard:

The law considers what an average person, with all their imperfections and vulnerabilities, would do in a given situation, protecting individuals from being judged by an unattainable standard of perfection.

18 U.S. Code § 657 - Lending, Credit, and Insurance Institutions:

Embezzlement, purloining, or willful misapplication of funds, credits, or other things of value by officers, employees, or agents of lending, credit, and insurance institutions is criminalized, with penalties of up to $1,000,000 and 30 years in prison.

28 USC 3002(15)(A) - United States Defined:

The term “United States” means a Federal corporation, clarifying jurisdictional boundaries and distinguishing between the corporate entity and the de jure state.

22 USC 212 - Passport:

This statute supports the right to a passport even with limited and qualified allegiance to the United States, establishing the status as a noncitizen national.

8 USC 1101(a)(21) and (23) - National and Naturalization Definitions:

The term "national" means a person owing permanent allegiance to a state, reinforcing the status as a national and not a U.S. citizen.

Unified, Positive Vision

This Novation is not merely a rectification of past wrongs but a declaration of a new order—one that is inherently just, peaceful, and aligned with higher principles. It is an invitation to all parties to engage in interactions that uplift, transform, and contribute to the collective good. By envisioning and committing to this positive transformation, we create a foundation for a future where all dealings are governed by truth, integrity, and the highest frequencies of consciousness.

Inclusivity and Public Declaration

This Novation is a public declaration, open to all who resonate with these principles of truth, justice, and higher consciousness. It is an invitation for others to join in this collective effort to align all dealings with the highest good. By participating in this alignment, each party contributes to the creation of a just and harmonious world, where truth and integrity guide every interaction.

Section D - Integrity and Consciousness Standards for Contracts

This section establishes the principles by which all contracts, including this Novation, must operate. These principles ensure that contracts align with higher frequencies of consciousness, marked by integrity, fairness, and mutual respect. Any contract that fails to meet these standards is subject to reformation, nullification, or the remedies outlined below.

In reaffirming universal law, all contracts governed by this Novation are required to resonate with the highest frequencies of truth, integrity, and fairness, serving the greater good and contributing to the upliftment of all parties involved.

Empowerment through Truth and Higher Consciousness

This document empowers all parties involved to align with truth, justice, and higher consciousness. It is a call to action for each individual to elevate their actions and interactions to resonate with the highest principles of integrity and fairness. By embracing these higher frequencies, we collectively contribute to the upliftment of society, fostering an environment where all can thrive in harmony and peace.

In alignment with these principles, contracts and agreements are encouraged to elevate their consciousness frequency, striving towards higher states of integrity, fairness, and mutual benefit. This elevation is not merely a legal requirement but a call to operate from a place of higher purpose, where contracts become instruments of positive transformation, contributing to the well-being of all involved.

Commitment to Higher Truth and Justice

This Novation reflects an unwavering commitment to truth and justice, grounded in the highest frequencies of consciousness. It affirms that all contracts and interactions must align with these principles, ensuring that they serve the greater good and contribute to the upliftment of all involved. In doing so, we honor the natural laws that govern all existence, creating a foundation for lasting peace and equity.

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” ~

Bible (John 8:32)

Section E - Clarification on Private Transactions and Non-Taxable Events

Private Transactions and Non-Commercial Donations

All payments, money, currency, or other forms of consideration received by me, unless explicitly stated otherwise, shall be regarded as private donations between two private individuals. These transactions are trust actions, conducted outside the jurisdiction of the District of Columbia and are non-taxable events.

This status is affirmed by the self-authenticated evidence within this Novation, recognizing my position as a non-citizen national, and as such, these transactions do not fall under any commercial or taxable event classifications. The private nature of these exchanges is further supported by the principles of trust law and the inherent rights reserved under common law, affirming that no external agency has jurisdiction over these private dealings.

Legal Basis and Protection:

These transactions, protected under trust law and operating outside the commercial jurisdiction of the District of Columbia, are non-taxable. Any attempt to reclassify them as taxable will violate my private rights and will be addressed according to this Novation.

Potential Follow-Up Actions

While this Novation establishes a foundation of mutual respect, transparency, and alignment with higher principles, it also outlines potential actions that may be pursued should these principles not be adhered to. These actions are not obligations but represent options that may be exercised as necessary to ensure compliance, fairness, and justice.

  1. Issuance of Default Notice:

A formal notice may be issued to the recipient if no response or insufficient compliance is observed within the specified time frame.

  1. Legal Remedies:

Legal action may be initiated to rectify any breach of terms or to enforce the rights and principles established by this Novation.

  1. Public Disclosure:

Details of any non-compliance may be made public to ensure transparency and accountability.

  1. Engagement of Third-Party Arbitrators:

A neutral third party may be engaged to facilitate resolution and ensure that the principles of this Novation are upheld.

These potential follow-up actions are intended to reinforce the integrity of this agreement and ensure that all parties are aligned with the stated principles.

Monitoring and Enforcement

To maintain the integrity of this Novation, ongoing monitoring of compliance may be conducted. This may involve periodic reviews of the terms and conditions, as well as any relevant actions taken by the parties involved. Enforcement measures may be implemented to address any breaches or failures to adhere to the established principles. The goal of monitoring and enforcement is to ensure that the Novation's objectives are achieved in alignment with higher consciousness, lawful and legal standards.

Win-Win Scenario and Explicit Recognition of Reciprocity

This Novation is designed with the intent of fostering mutually beneficial outcomes for all parties involved. It explicitly recognizes the principle of reciprocity, where each party's contributions, actions, and intentions are acknowledged and valued. By aligning with these principles, all interactions are elevated to a level where everyone benefits, contributing to a harmonious and just resolution of any issues that may arise.

Clarification of Legal Precedents

This Novation is grounded in well-established legal principles and precedents. These include but are not limited to, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Maxims of Equity, and relevant statutes and case law. By referencing these legal foundations, the Novation ensures that all actions and agreements are legally sound and aligned with universal principles of justice and fairness.

Spiritual Alignment and Practical Application

This Novation bridges spiritual principles with practical application, ensuring that all contracts, agreements, and interactions are not only legally valid but also spiritually aligned. By integrating these higher principles into everyday dealings, we create a foundation where law and spirituality coexist, guiding all actions towards the greater good.

Explicit Consequences for Non-Compliance

Should any party fail to adhere to the terms and principles of this Novation, specific consequences may be enacted. These consequences may include legal action, public disclosure, or other measures necessary to restore balance and ensure compliance. The intention is not to punish but to realign all parties with the agreed-upon principles and to uphold justice.

Incorporation of Universal Human Values

The principles of justice, fairness, respect, and mutual benefit are at the core of this Novation. By incorporating these universal human values, the Novation ensures that all interactions are conducted in a manner that honors the dignity and rights of all parties involved.

Long-Term Vision or Legacy

This Novation is not merely a temporary agreement but a foundation for future dealings that aspire to a higher standard of consciousness, fairness, and mutual respect. It is intended to leave a legacy of just and harmonious interactions, setting a precedent for future agreements that resonate with these principles.

Section F - Limitations of time and acquiescence:

Upon receipt, you have 30 days to propose revisions or clarifications to these definitions, submitted via affidavit. After this period, the definitions will be fully integrated into all agreements, past, present, and future. Please ensure this novation is accurately recorded in my existing account/file or that a new file is created in my name, if necessary.

Explicit Empowerment for the Recipient

This Novation empowers all parties, including the recipient, to engage fully and fairly in the terms outlined herein. It encourages mutual respect, transparency, and the active participation of all involved in upholding the principles of this agreement. By doing so, it fosters a collaborative environment where all parties can thrive and contribute to the greater good.

Final Declaration and Irrefutability

"No third party may interfere with the validity of this Notice without violating fundamental principles of contract law."

"The New Obligor, as a private trust entity, reserves all lawful and equitable rights under UCC 1-308 and UCC 1-103, waiving none."

"Any government entity, bank, or corporate agent presuming authority over this Notice shall be deemed in dishonor, bad faith, and fraud unless substantiated by lawful evidence and mutual agreement."

Irrefutable Declaration:

By the authority vested in me as a living man, sovereign and free, I declare that this Novation is the supreme law governing all interactions, contracts, and agreements referenced herein. Any attempts to challenge the validity of this document must be supported by irrefutable evidence, presented in an affidavit, under penalty of perjury, within the jurisdiction of common law.

Legal Basis:

This final declaration is supported by the legal principle of estoppel, which prevents any party from denying the truth of this Novation, having accepted its terms through acquiescence or silence within the designated timeframe. This principle is affirmed by common law and supported by Maxims of Equity, which state, 'Equity regards as done what ought to be done.'

Self-Executing Clause

Self-Executing Provision:

This Notice of Novation is self-executing, requiring no further action or acknowledgment by any party to be fully effective. It stands as a complete and final declaration of my status, rights, and legal standing, enforceable by the highest principles of law and equity.

Legal Basis:

The self-executing nature of this document is supported by the doctrine of laches, which bars any claims against the contents of this Novation after a reasonable period has passed, thereby affirming its finality and irrefutability.

Failure to rebut this Novation Notice within thirty (30) days from the date of its public posting constitutes full acceptance of its terms and conditions.

Any rebuttal must be made via sworn affidavit, sent via registered mail, and supported by lawful evidence.

Silence, failure to respond, or non-rebuttal shall be deemed full agreement and acquiescence

to all terms herein.


Version 1.0 - Issued on February 8th 2025 - Initial publication

[Example: Version 1.1 - Updated on [Date] - Minor clarifications & formatting]

[Example: Version 2.0 - Updated on [Date] - Added new definitions, expanded scope]

[Example: Version 2.1 - Updated on [Date] - Legal references reinforced]

[Example: Version 3.0 - Updated on [Date] - Major revision, jurisdictional updates]


Self-Executing Affidavit Declaration & Sworn Affirmation

This NOVATION NOTICE is hereby affirmed, self-authenticated, and lawfully binding under Federal Rule of Evidence 902(1).

In alignment with the principles of universal truth and higher consciousness, and without prejudice, all rights reserved.

Per 28 USC 1746, this affidavit is self-authenticating and legally binding without the need for a notary, executed outside the jurisdiction of the United States.

I, Jeremy Dylan Creager, a living man, do solemnly affirm and declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of God, nature, man, and under the laws of the United States of America, that the statements contained within this document are true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Executed in honor and full faith, without prejudice, nunc pro tunc, ab initio.

The acknowledgment that non-rebuttal constitutes full acceptance.

Executed on this February 8th 2025

By: /s/ jeremy dylan creager

Authorized Representative of Divine Core Legacy Trust


Additional Disclosure:

For additional disclosures regarding the nature of this notice, refer to our Disclaimer Notice.

This Novation operates under private contract law, with all enforcement remedies—including applicable fees and penalties—governed by the terms of the Fee Schedule (





© Copyright 2025. Jeremy Creager - Navigating Paths To Inner Mastery. All Rights Reserved. Executed in the Private Domain